Dr. Sean Bulson, past-president of PSSAM and current superintendent of Harford County Public Schools, shared his back-to-school goals and challenges for the upcoming school year with WJZ News.
WJZ News recently interviewed Dr. Sean Bulson, superintendent of Harford County Public Schools, about the goals and challenges facing local school systems approaching the 2023-2024 school year as part of their "Ready, Set, School!" campaign this month.
"The first day of school always has such great energy," Dr. Bulson stated, sharing with WJZ News that he was excited to lead Harford County Public Schools upon students' return to the classroom. "I want to see [students] learning and working on the first day -- from the first minute they arrive."
Dr. Bulson noted a few top priorities for Harford County Public Schools to focus on this year, including student participation, as well as solutions to curtail the continuing rippling effects of learning loss arising from the COVID-19 pandemic. "On the student achievement front, we're still hyper-focused on our core elements of language arts, reading, and math. We've seen data go in the right direction, but it's just not moving fast enough."
Another common issue facing Maryland school systems this year is teacher shortages, and Dr. Bulson admitted that Harford County was no exception. "Unfortunately, we're not getting as many qualified candidates."
However, as part of initiatives centered around Blueprint for Maryland's Future, Career and Technical Education (CTE) opportunities are growing in Harford County. "We now have over 40 students signed up for apprenticeships, and 70 businesses engaged. I feel like this is going to redefine what the high school experience is going to look like."
While other systems in Maryland are dealing with issues around transportation, Dr. Bulson said he is blessed that transportation is not an area widely impacted in Harford County this year. "We have a fantastic transportation team. We work with great contractors."
Watch the full interview on WJZ News here.

Dr. Sean Bulson spoke with the WJZ News team about his goals for the upcoming school year, as well as challenges facing Harford County Public Schools.