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SB 569 Anne Arundel County – Public Schools – School Schedule Options


BILL: SB 569

DATE: February 19, 2025

POSITION: Favorable

COMMITTEE: Senate Education Energy & the Environment

CONTACT: Mary Pat Fannon, Executive Director, PSSAM


The Public School Superintendents’ Association of Maryland (PSSAM), on behalf of all twenty-four public school superintendents, supports Senate Bill 569.

This bill authorizes the Anne Arundel County Board of Education to operate one or more schools within the county using a scheduling model that eliminates early dismissal days if the minimum 1,080-hour requirement is met. 

PSSAM is pleased to take the unusual position to support a local bill. Maryland superintendents have been challenged to “reimagine” public education by the Blueprint for Maryland’s Future and this scheduling model provides an unique opportunity for innovation and creativity. Other local education agencies (LEAs) are eager to watch as AACPS test-drives alternative scheduling for today’s modern and adaptable students and staff. 

Current law requires per pupil attendance for at least 180 actual school days and a minimum of 1,080 school hours during a 10-month period in each school year; OR if normal attendance is prevented due to conditions enumerated in law, schools shall be open for at least 1,080 hours during a 10–month period. These longstanding, and inflexible requirements hinder innovative school calendars. 

This legislation opens up possibilities for scheduling solutions that meet diverse student and staff needs. Change is difficult, especially change involving school schedules that dominate a family’s ecosystem and daily work/life activities. However, we know that AACPS will go above and beyond to actively involve students, families, staff, and stakeholders in any proposed changes.

For these reasons, PSSAM supports Senate Bill 569 and requests a favorable committee report.



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