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SB 601 Education - Dependent Children of Service Members - Advance Enrollment Procedures


BILL: SB 601

DATE: February 19, 2025

POSITION: Favorable with Amendments

COMMITTEE: Senate Education Energy & the Environment

CONTACT: Mary Pat Fannon, Executive Director, PSSAM


The Public School Superintendents’ Association of Maryland (PSSAM), on behalf of all twenty-four public school superintendents, supports Senate Bill 601 with amendments.

This bill requires local school systems to allow a dependent child of a service member to apply for advance enrollment in a public school and specifies requirements for advance enrollment procedures. The Secretary of Veterans and Military Families, in consultation with specified entities, must publish and maintain information on (1) advance enrollment procedures and (2) any assistance and services available to service members regarding advance enrollment. The bill takes effect July 1, 2025.

PSSAM appreciates the intent of Senate Bill 601 in addressing the challenges faced by current enrollment procedures for dependent students of service members. PSSAM is pleased to support this bill with two amendments to streamline and clarify the enrollment process. 

We request an amendment to section (D)(2), which states that the advanced enrolled student “shall have access to all academic courses and programs, including extracurricular activities”. We ask that clarifying language is added so the sentence reads as follows: “shall have access to all academic courses and programs THEY QUALIFY FOR, including extracurricular activities.” This clarification is in keeping with the academic requirements that may be needed for certain courses or extracurricular activities. 

Additionally, we request an amendment to retain the existing authority superintendents have over which school the incoming student attends, ensuring placements remain tied to the student’s residence and district processes. Without such clarification, this bill could unintentionally allow students to pick and remain in a school, even if they no longer live in the attendance zone or county.

For these reasons, PSSAM supports Senate Bill 601 with amendments.



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